Sunday, September 7, 2008


Well, we did not get to play any football games this week or weekend due to the heavy rain we had from Gustav. I am so glad that it has moved on and things can start drying out. But in the meanwhile our friends had some puppies about 6 or so weeks ago. I told them I would take one of them. It is a mutt. They had 5 girls and one boy. Well they called and was taking them to the vet for there first round of shots. When they arrived, it was funny, there were 3 of Davids buddies here and a friend of Peyton's here. So needless to say there was a crowd. Well everyone had there favorites. Jason and I picked the same one. That was good, we usually cannot decide well. But the boys of course had another one picked. They were begging to keep them both, so Jason said ok, we will take 2. WHAT!!! I was like NO WAY, but he said they aren't going to be that big. About 15 or so pounds a piece. I asked her if I cannot handle them both for a week would she take one back. She said yes. But the boys are so good with them right now, we all know that will soon fade. Long story short, we got to females. Fun Fun for me!!
The pictures are at the end of the slide.

1 comment:

Matt and Jolee said...

Yes, you are crazy. But they are CUTE!!!