I am just a little frustrated right now so I thought I would just type my thoughts down. First of all, we I decide to coach is it for the kids and yes I do expect the kids to listen to me when I am trying to talk to them. Let me begin by we did win our game, during the game one of our kids shot on the wrong side and scored for the other team. Ok we called timeout and talked to the boys about who goes were adn were we need to shoot at. Ok no problem.... We also tell a child to chase the ball and that child stares at you and says what do you mean. ok that is where it does get frustrating because at all the practices we say that and he goes, so what do we do as coaches. So the game ends and we are in our huttle talking. My other coach is talking explaining to the boys what we will work on next practice and this child is not paying attention so I say, listen to the coach if you want to play. That's it.
So 8:00 pm rolls around and the mother of this child calls and starts complaining. Stating that we think all the kids are perfect except hers. By all means that is not the case, I told her she just walked up at the time we were talking to all the boys and yes I did direct that at her son, but for not listening to the coach. Why did she wait until 8 pm to call the game was over at 1pm. If she had a problem she should have directed us then. We have had problems from the beginning with this family. She thinks her husband could do a better job. So then why did he not sign up to coach??? (We found out he was a step dad). The moral of my story is...... All of us sign up to volunteer to coach and we don't get paid, and I feel I am really a fair coach. Please don't complain about it.